You are here: Home>Magnet Systems& Assemblies>Ferrite Pot With Steel Housing Ferrite pot with steel housing Ferrite pot with steel housing 2011-01-04 16:18:34 We are the manufacturer of Ferrite(ceramic) magnet. Ferrite pot with steel housing Art.No. D HLM Weight(g) Force(N)SM.F3.01 10 4.511.53 3 4SM.F3.02 13 4.511.53 510SM.F3.03164.511.53 618SM.F3.0420 61331130SM.F3.052271752035SM.F3.062571542240SM.F3.073271543280SM.F3.083272253280SM.F3.094791769080SM.F3.105710.515.56142280SM.F3.116314296235350 Next: Ferrite pot magnet with Alumin