These days magnet therapy had been recognized by many to have the healing powers to relieve physical pain and alleviate the symptoms of many common ailments.
These ailments include arthritis, Fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, Osteoarthritus, back pains, sciatica and general muscle aches and pains. It also has been known to combat a variety of other diseases, especially blood-related.
Other diseases that magnet therapy is also known to give relief are diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and hardened arteries. It also promotes sound sleep, and calms the nerves.
How it works
Magnets work on the circulatory system by making the blood flow faster and at the same time refining the blood. This helps the body to dispose of waste and toxins.
Science has shown that by placing a magnetic field next to the body the trace elements of Iron and Potassium in the blood that are drawn to the magnetic field causing a mild effect in the blood stream.
Magnet therapy is a natural alternative for pain relief which does not have any side affects. It helps to enhance the body's natural healing power.